Thursday, October 29, 2009

This Is It!

Going to this movie tomorrow night ! It has really attracted some serious attention here ! the first two weeks are fully booked before the movie even premiered ! but we booked our tickets online for the very first show in Dublin ! I personally don't like MJ that much and not really interested in the movie but my friends wants to see it so bad so I decided to go with him !

it starts at 8:40 , and our 4 exams finish at 7:20. Going to be a long day tomorrow ! 4 tests all together, we even get to choose which we want to start with ! I think i'll stare at my laptop thinking which I should start with first =P But we'll do it as a group and we disturbuted the work among us so hope it wouldnt be too bad ! I'll make sure I'll have another laptop near me with google and wikipedia ready !

Also the furniture I ordered arrived so I need to assemble it ! too lazy to do that though, will probably do it sometime over the weekend. And whats with all the fuss about pinkberry? Unfourtently shakly ma la7agt 3aleeh =P, is it that good?

Finally, enjoy the weekend ! and relaaaax ! I sure will after all the stress for the test.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Settled in !

I know I haven't updated in a while but was busy with all the 7osa wel loya ! bs settled in finally al7emdella !

love my apartment shar7aa ! I put on really fast wireless internet and BB service :D

lots of stuff happened and exams next Friday ! but everything is great so far !
one Kuwaiti girl passed out in the labs, just before we started, for unkown reasons last week =/ and hit her head as she dropped down ;/ but they have good safety measurments and the ambulance and doctors arrived quickly. They say she's fine now but she still hasnt attended a class. Alla yshafeehaa ya rab.

After I have been disappointed for the first time by Grey's Anatomy they made love it all over again with the sixth episode ! It was so good ! you HAVE to watch if you haven't yet ! even if you haven't ever seen Grey's Anatomy I suggest you watch it !

Went to this movie aswell , it was the kind of movie that has no story and is so predictable, but it's fun to watch it and had some funny jokes ! I personally liked it =p

Saturday, October 3, 2009

A Vision of Students Today

I found this video interesting ,one of my doctors showed us this yesterday in the lecture.

So what do you think of it ? How much has technology taken up from our lives?

link :

Freshers' week is over !

Adry I'm turning my blog into a live journal but what the hell it's my web space and i'll do what ever I want with it !

Soo I'll post some stories mn al freshers week! one of the weirdest weeks I've experienced in my life !

*Thany youm dawam re7t al class al sa3a 10 , sheft al kel yay o dash O'flangan hall chan adesh m3ahom wafta7 al laptop wa7e6 my backbag wag3ad , wasalem 3ally yamy , chan as2ela haa pre-med wella physio? chan ygooly 2nd med !!! chan agoola shloon 2nd med m3ana !! chan ygooly 7bebe your lecture is in Cheyne hall...... re7t late bs ashwa al prof let me in XD

* 6ab3an freshers week fee party everynight starting from 10pm to 4am o al 7abayeb al irish yro7on , o they still come to lectures o b3dain yro7on al library b3d !! how the hell do they do it ? dont they sleep???! ana al party al wa7eda elly gedart aro7la elly on Friday la2ana weekend ! o till 11 chan ared b3d de5t ! they give students VIP access to clubs !! =p

*6ab3an awal cham lecture theeeeee3t ma3a al science terms o al slideshow bs kent aro7 al library o a7awel ala7eg o astaw3eb al7eeb bdeet at2a8lam !

* O thaleth youm kan 3endy lecture at 9 , so I set the alarm at 7:15 , bs thanks to the snooze button gemt 8:20... madry shloon showered o 6ala3t @8:30 , al 3ada gbal al fende8 atleast 10 taxis , elyoum walla wa7d !! wella msawen strike al taxis !!!!!!! can you imagine my luck?? strike ?? today?? out of all days ??!!!

so re7t rakth rakth al college and kaleet snickers elly in my bag for breakfast o we9alt @8:55
re7t al lecture hall wella empty mako a7ad !!! opened my laptop to check the calendar wella they postponed it this morning to 10 AM but I was too late to check my laptop -_______-;

bs something positive came up with it ta3arft 3ala wa7d who had the same story as me excatly =p woke up late and came running !

*rab3 youm went fine without any complications bs had to buy biology book (1400 page -.-) and carry it around w kesar thahryyy! o also got my new cool lab coat =p bs it's L wayd wsee3 =( ! and al meduim is too short for me XD

*5ames youm yay Friday, 6ab3an grey's anatomy ! nazalt al episode bel class =P nzalt in like 5 mins as if it were a song ! , bs wont do it again cause the network is monitored =p o lama radeet yeet ashoofha dad was talking to me and interrupting me ! o ana aby ashoof grey's ! chan ygooly enta sheta6ale3 ? assignment from college ? getla eeee! lol XD

o b3dain at 7 PM the guys told me feeh concert bel college so re7t and had a blast ! bs wasnt too much comfortable with all beer and drinks around, they even passed a tequila bottle for tequila shots ! one girl darda3t like half the bottle !! bs it was loads of fun ! bs my throat now is so sore from all the cheering lol !

O they did a comptition and they asked for three pre meds so ana we9a7by gelna haa nroo7 ?! tawna yayeen bnanzel wella 3 girls from our class nzalaw so ga3dna , wella the compition was who drinks beer faster ! XD ashwana ma nezalna =p

One of the bands that played was from students and had two kuwaitis in it! bs they were older. They were the best student band that played =p not being racist bs everyone cheered for them the most !

One groups of students , I think 2nd year med , and their friends were playing and they were tossing underwear pants on them LOL!

and now it's my birthday and im searching for an apartment =( gonna go out with a friend now though :D