Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Going hooooome !

So here I am , mo nayem ams. Pulling an all nighter tonight and got a flight tomorrow night! How fun is that?

La2any mo mn al noo3 elly ynam bel 6ayara fa shakali bawa9el that 3rd night too ! o 6ab3an lee radeeet al deera mara7 anam ra7 awa9el =P

These two past weeks have been a living HELL! cant wait for it all to be over tomorrow (or should I say today?) with that last final. then I gotta run straight to my apartment and wait for the packing fairy to pack my bags and rush to the airport.

I cant wait to feel like a normal human being again. I have two weeks of NOTHINGNESS!! how cool is that ! Oh, and no exams till next June ! YES! I'll make the most out of my holiday !

Ciao and good luck with your finals..

EDIT: I can't remember when or how did I write that post... lol ..


msha3erha said...

Cooool :D going back home is always like power supplying especially after final exams ;)

Enjoy your two weeks of nothingness & to9al eb 1000 salama :D

Anonymous said...

bel salamaa...laaa mu zain tadri shlon take weyak panadol night oo take it after takeoff naam on the way back;p bss dont take it etha transit

Anonymous said...

bel salamaa...laaa mu zain tadri shlon take weyak panadol night oo take it after takeoff naam on the way back;p bss dont take it etha transit

7amooood said...

Msha3erha: Allah ysalmich :D

Lemon-aid: ana magdar alham 7boob lol... bs etha al 6ayara fathya nafs kel marra yemkin ansde7 :P