Got this as a broadcast and fe9alt the7ik!! I personally like 4 & 6 LOL
"To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity
1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point a Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down.
2. On all your cheque stubs, write ' For Marijuana'
3. Skip down the street Rather Than Walk and see how many looks you get.
4. Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat,with a serious face.
5. Sing Along At The Opera.
6. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream 'I Won! I Won!'
7. When Leaving the Zoo, Start Running towards the Car Park, Yelling 'Run For Your Lives! They're Loose!'
8. Tell Your Children Over Dinner, 'Due To The Economy, We are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go.'
And The Final Way To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity
Send This To Someone To Make Them Smile.
It's Called .... THERAPY"
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
How to keep your sanity.
Posted by 7amooood at 9:36 AM 4 comments
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Last week of the semester.
I know I havnt been posting alot =P and my excuse is enny ketabt post 6weel o kella te7l6em bs bel'3ala6 mesa7ta !! fa mn 3ogba wana metkeeseel akteb post ! bs ashwa enmsa7 I just had to get it off my chest ! so anyway some random stuff I feel like writing about !
*Awal shay 3eedkom mbarak !!! ma medany akteb post 7g al 3eed la2any kent mash'3oul m3a al presentation ! bs kan 5osh 3eed al 7emdella m3ana most of my plans were cancelled !
1- almafrooth aroo7 9alat al 3eed eb masyad al colleya ( YES 3endna masyad bel colleya !) bs ra7at 3aleey noma w alarmy e5tarab ! bs ashwa la7agt 3al al classes (yea classes bel eid =/)
2- A totally unexpected night out on Friday after the one of the longest day ever. But it was so much fun, we ended up with Paranormal Activity which was SO scary !!!!! the audience was screaming so loud it made the movie 1000 times scarier !
3- On Saturday I was supposed to go to play some Paintball with the kuwaiti student union but I was so tired and worn out I decided to take the day off and relax ! didn't really want to have bruises all over my body =P On Sunday went out with friends again and had fun !
* next week is the last week of this semester! it flowed by so fast. It feels like last night I was typing my post about freshers week ! I can't believe it's been 12 weeks already. I hope the finals month flows by as fast too !
*Ygolon al jaw 7elow bel kuwait hal youmeen ! bs maleet mn hal jaw !! aby shamsna al 7arra weshwayat '3baar =P
*Omey dagat 3leey al youm tes2alny sheno taby '3adak awal ma trja3, b'3ait agool Burger Hub bs encha3amt o gelt m6abag =P
* Greys Anatomy is on holiday break till 18th of January, which also happens to be the date of my last final exam. Fridays are not the same with out some greys anatomy !
* I'm into books now and I'm enjoying Pailo Coelho's novels, which is a new thing cause I was never into books !
his best novel that I've read so far is veronika decides to die. I'm in love with this novel ! and their making a movie based on it, cant wait!
Thats it's folks !! hope you enjoyed the eid holiday and tell me what did you do on Eid's break!
Posted by 7amooood at 5:50 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 3, 2009
still can't believe it !!! I'll watch the inner freak LIVE !! on 21st of February "!!! 7ayakom !
on a side note ma boga shay 3ala my final MCQ o lel7een only ready for 1 module out of 4... lazim adres 3adel this weekend!!
Posted by 7amooood at 10:26 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I'll be home for christmas !
YES! I'll be home for christmas, cant wait! lets just hope al semester y3ady 3ala 5air wey5ale9 hal presentation ! wy3adoon al second MCQs 3ala 5air !
Adree I have not posted in a while but can barely keep up with the course !
Al presentation al 3ella we've been working on it since the beginning of the semester and it's coming on Friday the 27th evening a.k.a 3EED AL ATH7AA!!!!!!! Ashwa bs not just our group the whole class on that day too.. ya3ny ra7 3leey al 3eed ! 3ogba eb two weeks al MCQs b3dain ana 6ayarity enshalla el youm elly 3ogba
Bs al MCQ etha nafs elly al marra elly 6afat 3ayal mara7 a7atee wayed ;Pp saweena group 8 and we basically answered the questions for each other ! Al MCQ malna online test on all our 4 modules , 10 questions with 10 minutes for each module.
o wa7da ehny maskeena kuwaitya, shes a repeat , bs mashalla 7adha sha6ra w thakeya, m3a al sofalef chan tgool ena yadha tofawa bel end-of-the-year-finals o mara7t al emte7an , o lama 3adeta she failed human systems by two marks, she asked for a recheck but -insert his name here- the original checker, checked it again and changed it to 49/100 and galaha you'll repeat the year sorry !!
but we reported -insert his name here- cause of his racism and they'll make him retire, fakkkaaaa ! worst lecturer ever. 7a8d 3al al kuwaityeen kel shway ga6 racist comment , 3bala ma nefham?
On a side note, Greys Anatomy just keeps getting better ! and FastForward seems promising too !
Andddd I'll be home for christmas !!!!!
Posted by 7amooood at 10:56 AM 3 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
احتفالية يوم الدستور Yom Al Destor
Sout Al-Kuwait is a civic lobby group protecting personal and social freedoms through the activation and preservation of the rights stipulated in the Kuwaiti constitution. The Group meets its target through organized media campaigns, public relations and direct communication with the Parliament member and other State decision makers. Since its establishment, the Group published several booklets and brochures providing simplified review of constitutional rights, their impact and importance, and their conflict with some of the current legislations – (available on Sout Al-Kuwait also participated in several exhibitions, rallies, and carnivals in an attempt to educate the youth about the Constitution articles and relate them to our daily lives. We lead several educational activities in schools, colleges and universities introducing students to concepts like citizenship, human rights, constitutional rights and encouraging their involvement in volunteer civic and social work.
One of our most important events is the celebration of the anniversary of the Constitution of Kuwait which was signed off by Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salem in November 11, 1962. This year we plan a grand carnival in front of the Kuwait Parliament (Sahat Al Irada). This event will be a collaborative effort by other NGOs and some civic groups. It is a family event filled with activities suitable to all ages and interests. There will be a special area for children and another for art and poetry national music band lead by Belal Al-Shami and many other outdoor activities. Participants will be taken through the amazing journey of the Constitution in a fun and friendly environment.
We hope that you and your family will join us celebrating the Constitution anniversary this year on Wednesday, November 11 in front of the Parliament from 5:30 to 10 pm.
صوت الكويت مجموعة ضغط مدنية تسعى لحماية الحقوق الشخصية والعامة عبر حماية وتفعيل دستور دولة الكويت عبر التوعية الاعلامية والتواصل مع صانعي القرار في المجلس و الحكومة.
وقد أصدرت المجموعة العديد من الكتيبات والنشرات التي تقدم مادة مبسطة حول الحقوق الدستورية وأهميتها وتضارب بعض ( )القوانين مع تلك الحقوق.
كما شاركت المجموعة في العديد من المعارض واللقاءات والمهرجانات لتوعية الشباب بالدستور ومواده وأهميته في حياتنا اليومية. كما ادارت المجموعة الكثير من الفعاليات والانشطة التوعوية والتثقيفية في المدارس والجامعات لتعريف الطلبة والشباب بالدستور وحقوق الانسان وتشجيعهم على التطوع والعمل المدني.
ومن أهم فعاليات المجموعة الاحتفال بالذكرى السنوية لتوقيع المرحوم الشيخ عبدالله السالم على دستور 1962 والتي تصادف 11 من نوفمبر. وستقيم المجموعة هذا العام احتفالا كبيرا في ساحة الارادة بالتعاون مع العديد من جمعيات النفع العام ومؤسسات المجتمع المدنية. وسيتضمن الاحتفال العديد من الأنشطة التوعوية والترفيهية لكل أفراد الأسرة. اذ خصصنا جناح للأطفال وآخر للشعر والأدب وعرضنا مسيرة الدستور باسلوب مشوق لكل الأعمار في جو من المرح في الهواء الطلق وعلى أنغام الموسيقى الوطنية بقيادة فرقة بلال الشامي. لذا ندعوكم وجميع افراد عائلتكم مشاركتنا الاحتفال بذكرى توقيع الدستور هذا العام وذلك يوم الأربعاء 11 نوفمبر في ساحة الارادة أمام مجلس الأمة الكويتي من الساعة ٥:٣٠٠ مساءً الي الساعة ١٠ ليلا
Posted by 7amooood at 3:28 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 29, 2009
This Is It!
Going to this movie tomorrow night ! It has really attracted some serious attention here ! the first two weeks are fully booked before the movie even premiered ! but we booked our tickets online for the very first show in Dublin ! I personally don't like MJ that much and not really interested in the movie but my friends wants to see it so bad so I decided to go with him !
it starts at 8:40 , and our 4 exams finish at 7:20. Going to be a long day tomorrow ! 4 tests all together, we even get to choose which we want to start with ! I think i'll stare at my laptop thinking which I should start with first =P But we'll do it as a group and we disturbuted the work among us so hope it wouldnt be too bad ! I'll make sure I'll have another laptop near me with google and wikipedia ready !
Also the furniture I ordered arrived so I need to assemble it ! too lazy to do that though, will probably do it sometime over the weekend. And whats with all the fuss about pinkberry? Unfourtently shakly ma la7agt 3aleeh =P, is it that good?
Finally, enjoy the weekend ! and relaaaax ! I sure will after all the stress for the test.
Posted by 7amooood at 9:51 AM 2 comments
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Settled in !
I know I haven't updated in a while but was busy with all the 7osa wel loya ! bs settled in finally al7emdella !
love my apartment shar7aa ! I put on really fast wireless internet and BB service :D
lots of stuff happened and exams next Friday ! but everything is great so far !
one Kuwaiti girl passed out in the labs, just before we started, for unkown reasons last week =/ and hit her head as she dropped down ;/ but they have good safety measurments and the ambulance and doctors arrived quickly. They say she's fine now but she still hasnt attended a class. Alla yshafeehaa ya rab.
After I have been disappointed for the first time by Grey's Anatomy they made love it all over again with the sixth episode ! It was so good ! you HAVE to watch if you haven't yet ! even if you haven't ever seen Grey's Anatomy I suggest you watch it !
Went to this movie aswell , it was the kind of movie that has no story and is so predictable, but it's fun to watch it and had some funny jokes ! I personally liked it =p
Posted by 7amooood at 9:31 AM 3 comments
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Freshers' week is over !
Adry I'm turning my blog into a live journal but what the hell it's my web space and i'll do what ever I want with it !
Soo I'll post some stories mn al freshers week! one of the weirdest weeks I've experienced in my life !
*Thany youm dawam re7t al class al sa3a 10 , sheft al kel yay o dash O'flangan hall chan adesh m3ahom wafta7 al laptop wa7e6 my backbag wag3ad , wasalem 3ally yamy , chan as2ela haa pre-med wella physio? chan ygooly 2nd med !!! chan agoola shloon 2nd med m3ana !! chan ygooly 7bebe your lecture is in Cheyne hall...... re7t late bs ashwa al prof let me in XD
* 6ab3an freshers week fee party everynight starting from 10pm to 4am o al 7abayeb al irish yro7on , o they still come to lectures o b3dain yro7on al library b3d !! how the hell do they do it ? dont they sleep???! ana al party al wa7eda elly gedart aro7la elly on Friday la2ana weekend ! o till 11 chan ared b3d de5t ! they give students VIP access to clubs !! =p
*6ab3an awal cham lecture theeeeee3t ma3a al science terms o al slideshow bs kent aro7 al library o a7awel ala7eg o astaw3eb al7eeb bdeet at2a8lam !
* O thaleth youm kan 3endy lecture at 9 , so I set the alarm at 7:15 , bs thanks to the snooze button gemt 8:20... madry shloon showered o 6ala3t @8:30 , al 3ada gbal al fende8 atleast 10 taxis , elyoum walla wa7d !! wella msawen strike al taxis !!!!!!! can you imagine my luck?? strike ?? today?? out of all days ??!!!
so re7t rakth rakth al college and kaleet snickers elly in my bag for breakfast o we9alt @8:55
re7t al lecture hall wella empty mako a7ad !!! opened my laptop to check the calendar wella they postponed it this morning to 10 AM but I was too late to check my laptop -_______-;
bs something positive came up with it ta3arft 3ala wa7d who had the same story as me excatly =p woke up late and came running !
*rab3 youm went fine without any complications bs had to buy biology book (1400 page -.-) and carry it around w kesar thahryyy! o also got my new cool lab coat =p bs it's L wayd wsee3 =( ! and al meduim is too short for me XD
*5ames youm yay Friday, 6ab3an grey's anatomy ! nazalt al episode bel class =P nzalt in like 5 mins as if it were a song ! , bs wont do it again cause the network is monitored =p o lama radeet yeet ashoofha dad was talking to me and interrupting me ! o ana aby ashoof grey's ! chan ygooly enta sheta6ale3 ? assignment from college ? getla eeee! lol XD
o b3dain at 7 PM the guys told me feeh concert bel college so re7t and had a blast ! bs wasnt too much comfortable with all beer and drinks around, they even passed a tequila bottle for tequila shots ! one girl darda3t like half the bottle !! bs it was loads of fun ! bs my throat now is so sore from all the cheering lol !
O they did a comptition and they asked for three pre meds so ana we9a7by gelna haa nroo7 ?! tawna yayeen bnanzel wella 3 girls from our class nzalaw so ga3dna , wella the compition was who drinks beer faster ! XD ashwana ma nezalna =p
One of the bands that played was from students and had two kuwaitis in it! bs they were older. They were the best student band that played =p not being racist bs everyone cheered for them the most !
One groups of students , I think 2nd year med , and their friends were playing and they were tossing underwear pants on them LOL!
and now it's my birthday and im searching for an apartment =( gonna go out with a friend now though :D
Posted by 7amooood at 3:26 AM 3 comments
Labels: College
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Mixing up between random things
I always read Push as Pull , and Pull as Push , both in Arabic and in English. Whenever I see 'Push' I pull , and whenever I see 'Pull' I push..
Madry lesh.. it's like whenever I read 'Push' my mind translate it into 'Pull' and sends a msg to my arm to pull @@; (bdeena teflsef bel science 3ad =P )
Another thing , and this one is dangerous ! , is that I mix up between those two signs too :
o hathy:
ya3ny when the green arrow traffic light pops up for cars to move ana 3baly its the green 'you cal walk' sign o adar3em ! Cham warra I was almost run over by a bus because of this... o cham maraa agool shfehom hatheela yamshoon al eshra 7ag al syayeer ! wella I miss-saw the traffic lights again..
Iam I retarded for mixing up between those things?! I hope i'm not !
So do you ,yourself , mix up with anything like thist too? please share =P
Posted by 7amooood at 12:23 PM 5 comments
Monday, September 28, 2009
First day at school
So gemt mn al noum late ! bser3a bser3a badalt w 6ala3t re7t raketh! o al jaw kan barrd , faj2a it started raining o ana nasy my umbrella.. entalaft 7ady o da5alt al kolleya late o messed up ...
cham agoom men al noum wella 7alman xD Anyhow , gemt 6:45 , alarm @7 ne6art bel bed till al alarm rang , showered , had breakfast , got everything including the umbrella o went off to college at 9 ! the orientation starts at 10 so tmeesheet eb Grafton st. till 9:45 then entered the college. Wella kelha Kuwaiti guys o girls o 5alejyeen ;@ o they all know each other mn al leaving year (They got delayed a year to study for a leaving certificate , basically repeat highschool , luckily I skipped that year) , so salamt 3leehom o introduced myself o kelhom are like "7athek ma re7t al leaving... 3athaaab..." o im like @@;
re7na al lecture room o beda al orientation introduction and blahblahblah got bored for 2 hours of lectures on safety , general health and vaccinations along with how med students and doctors must be free of infectious diseases =O then yaw al student council to introduce themselves
Then at 12 galoolna go meet your personal tutor and your 'buddies'. those 'buddies' are students who volunteered to help freshmans during freshers week =O
However Dr.Celine my tutor didnt show up today ! so I only met the 'buddies' which were really fun guys and they showed my group around the college o helped us with registration later on.
My 'group' kanaw 12 wa7d , 1 of them is Irish , one from South America , one from somewhere in Africa o athneen kuwaityeen o wa7da so3dya o some Asians =p met them all really cool people !
ba3deen re7na to the examination hall (men awalha !) for registration and kan al daboor 6weeeeel bs kenna ga3den 3ala karasy o kel ma gam wa7ed ta7arkna chenna le3bat al karasy =P so ga3adt asoolif ma3a elly m3ay al kuwaityeen al athneen ! msakeen ! last year wadhom new institute 7g their leaving certificate o yeshtkoon mna ygolon 9a3eeeeeb!! jarebaw fehom marra o now they dont send anyone there !
Awragi kanat nag9a al cultural office ma 3a6ohom everything apparently so galooly bring your papers tomorrow. o 9awaroona for student ID =P 9oorty 7adha WOOOOOW ! aby a'3ayrha it SUCKS -.-; bno9 al 7osa wel loya 9awaroony ! bs now 3endy access to al library o al gym o al sports zones =P
b3dain galoolna ro7aw al basketball gym to get your laptops , re7t hnak 3a6ony al laptop+laptop bag wella al shbab kel wa7d ga3d eb zawya o ysheg al cartoon o y6ale3 al laptop o y7e6na bel jan6a! was wanasa ripping the laptop boxes xD
b3dain 5athet cab re7t al cultural office ellly eb a5er al denya 5atheet al awrag o 6ala3 , bs ma lgeeet cab to get back o no bus route goes there ! so had to walk for like 20 minutes =P
b3dain radeet for al student/staff mix-up o 6ala3t 3al 4!
al7een ako party set by the student union for freshers bs i'm too tired to go !
bs overall 7ad a great day o looking forward to the rest of the year ! the college is simply amazing and the students are really nice !
Posted by 7amooood at 1:08 PM 5 comments
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The Orientation
So bacher is the start of the academic year o al Orientation Day for us freshers !lookin forward for it , but a little nervous ! going to meet alot of new people for the first time ! and I dont generally give positive first impressions :p going to try my best though !
And so far they only told me what are my subjects for the first semister of the foundation year :@
- And it seems I have changed already ! 9ert a book worm ! back home walla mara gareet a book for more than 50 pages ! now wain ma aroo7 adawer book stores ..
- Sheft some kuwaiti girls studying here too , they seem nice =D , havnt seen any guys yet though. bs wa7d mn al Student Union we9al tonight o he's helping me to find an apartmet :D
- Awal ma yeet ma lgeet wala starbucks around =( bs now found 3 ! One in my college =P , One in a bust bussiness street that I dont like very much and one in a very nice street next to a laaarge book store ! thats the one I like to sit in =P
- W a5eeran ,I LOVE the irish people ! they are very nice and welcoming o they don't care about race or religion , love the accent too =p
Posted by 7amooood at 1:42 PM 4 comments
Saturday, September 26, 2009
This post is inspired by and dedicated to wa7d 3aref nafsa =P so ra7 atfalsaf shway awal b3dain I'll quote some positivity tips.
- By elly this post is dedicated to him !
"Postive Attitude : a positive mental attitude is the belief that one can increase achievment through optimistic thought processes. "
Sometimes keeping up a postive attitude is the only way to get through the day and convert all the worrying and negative energy into something positive and end up with a very productive day.
So how can we adopt this attitude? hatha elly lgeeta eb this article o fakart that I share it with you !
p.s etha 3ajabkom al post thank 'him' dont thank me =P borrowed al idea mena !"1. Adopt a positive mental attitude. A positive mental attitude gives you the ability to absorb the bumps on the roads of life. When you are pursuing bigger and more demanding goals that are going to take you out of your comfort zone, the bumps get bigger and more frightening.
If you don’t have a positive mental attitude you will find negative thoughts and doubts creeping into your mind. These insidious creatures can easily take over and stop you dead in your tracks – you don’t want that do you!
2. Be crystal clear about where you are going. It is much easier to keep moving if you have a destination in mind. You will find it much easier to cope with the multitude of decisions that you face and just having your destination in sight will spur you on to that extra effort when you need it.
If you are just wandering aimlessly, you quickly become frustrated and confused. Humans don’t like uncertainty and don’t cope well with it so you’ll find yourself increasingly confused and uncomfortable until you decide that you’ve had enough.
3. Find your passion. You should be passionate about your objective. It should excite you and fill you full of positive emotions. When you encounter obstacles or when it seems a long way off, you should think about your objective and re-energize yourself with your positive emotions. Then you’ll be ready to tackle the next hill you have to climb with enthusiasm and energy.
Without passion you will find it hard to maintain your enthusiasm over the long haul and significant changes in your life will take far longer than they should.
4. Believe in yourself and what you are doing. Have you every tried selling something you didn’t believe in. I’ve done it – once. Giving my pitch felt like chewing a mouthful of sawdust – and I didn’t make a single sale.
When you believe in yourself and what you are doing it will radiate through every pore in your body, enthuse and motivate people around you to help you on your journey. You’ll also find that all those nagging doubts have a hard time getting heard…
5. Develop high self esteem. People with high self esteem believe that they deserve the best in life and they believe that they have the ability to get it! Imagine how much easier it’s going to be to make the journey to your desires if you have beliefs like these!
A person of low self esteem considers themselves to be stupid, incompetent and worthless. That’s going to make it real hard to persist in the face of obstacles. Giving up and accepting your lot in life is going to look very attractive."
And don't miss this post etha taboon more positivity =P
o a5eeran thought i'd share this song which reminds me of positivity o the very dear person elly inspired me to write this =D
p.s.s ana 7ady fathy blogging while I should be looking for an apartment..
Posted by 7amooood at 1:48 AM 5 comments
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Dublin !
Soo a5eeran we9alt Dublin belsalama ! o I love it already ! amazing city , small , not so crowded and perfect weather :D
"Eddie Rocket's" the jonney rocket's of Ireland =P fake ? Rename? dunno!
collety al 3azeeza !
o hathy al St. Stephens Green , this park 3omerha about 450 years =P gbal my college ! amazing park. All college students hang around here for lunch =p
o bas ! saving other photos for future posts 3shan ykoon 3endy shay akteb 3ana =P
Posted by 7amooood at 8:10 AM 9 comments
Friday, September 18, 2009
"Every Thing Is Gonna be All Right"
First post ! I've been surfing around the blogging world and thought it's time I start of my own =P ... so clueless on how to manage my blog ...
As I'm typing this I'm less than 24 hrs away to my flight to study in Dublin tomorrow morning.
So I'm trying to keep up the positive attitude while pushing away the negative thoughts and keep on telling my self "Every Thing Is Gonna be All Right" :D
o cant wait for Grey's Anatomy's season 6's premiere al 5mees al yay
hatha al link to watch the first 5 minutes of the episode =p
ma3aref how to post a youtube video in blogs yet ! :$
Gonna miss all my friends/family fardan fardan ! take care :D
Posted by 7amooood at 8:13 PM 2 comments
Labels: Grey's Anatomy, School, TV shows